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We are very happy to join Navarra Zirkular , continuing with our commitment to promote the implementation of the principles of the circular economy in Navarra since 2014.

Navarra Zirkular is a public-private collaboration initiative promoted by the Government of Navarra, derived from its S4 strategy , to promote the adoption of the circular economy with the aim of facilitating the ecological transition in Navarrese companies.

After our participation in the development of the Agenda for the development of the Circular Economy in Navarra 2030 , defining the axes and strategic lines to be developed to implement the circular economy in Navarra, we will continue to contribute our experience and knowledge to help:

  • facilitate the training and training of different profiles in public and private organizations
  • the development of circular business models
  • the design and development of products and services for a circular economy
  • the circularity-sustainability analysis of the life cycle of products and services

Next December we will begin our collaboration with a series of general training sessions on the circular economy for public administration employees in Navarra.



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