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We are pleased to tell you that we will participate next 10/25 in the  CITE Congress , in the round table “Circular economy in renewables: the icing on the cake”, within an excellent panel with people with extensive experience in the sector.

Our colleague  Rebeca Arnedo  will provide our vision and experience in the sector on how to implement the principles of circular economy in the development of business models, products and services, from their design and conception.

In this  link  you can access the complete program.

About the  CITE Congress:

The International Congress for the Energy Transition is a biennial event in which the wind, solar, storage and green hydrogen industry brings together the main players in the sector to evaluate the current situation and debate the impact of the new regulatory framework and emerging technologies. in the renewable industrial fabric and in the energy transition. It brings together the most important actors in renewable energies in Spain, plus a relevant percentage of international attendees.

If you want more information or need more details, you can contact us through the following link:  CONTACT SUSTAINN

Thank you very much for reading us!!

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