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This week we received the resolution awarding the minor contract for the provision of the service “Diagnosis and roadmap of the smart and circular tourism project in Santiago de Compostela.”

It is a very exciting project for Sustainn that we are looking forward to getting started with. We tell you a little more about the TOURISM SUSTAINABILITY PLANS IN SMART DESTINATIONS program of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

  • Spain treasures a plural set of tourist destinations with their own values ​​and identity.
  • Local Entities are the basic units that constitute tourist destinations and are largely responsible for the parameters that influence the
  • choice of tourists.
  • The Secretary of State for Tourism, through the General Subdirectorate of Tourism Development and Sustainability, exercises the design and implementation function.
  • of strategies aimed at the development and improvement of tourist destinations.
  • Since the design and implementation of the first plans for excellence and tourism revitalization, all the plans developed were approved at the Tourism Sector Conference and co-financed by the participating Autonomous Communities and Local Entities, constituting a valuable example of inter-administrative cooperation.

The Program of Tourism Sustainability Plans in Destinations aims to contribute so that, when recovery returns, tourism is more responsible and sustainable

  • The new Program of Tourism Sustainability Plans in Destinations attempts to resume the best momentum of previous initiatives, taking advantage of the broad
  • baggage of experiences and lessons learned and adapting it to the circumstances of the current tourism market and the new challenges that society demands.
  • Additionally, the current crisis in the sector caused by the coronavirus pandemic forces us to reconsider aspects such as the importance of having safety and hygiene systems and protocols to correctly serve and transmit confidence to tourists, the reliability of well-provided tourist services and the ensuring a trained and prepared tourist offer.
  • The Program is part of the third pillar, “IMPROVEMENT OF THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE TOURIST DESTINATION”, of the Tourism Sector Promotion Plan.

With this framework, Sustainn presented an action plan to lead the city of Santiago de Compostela towards sustainable and circular tourism that contemplates different phases. This award corresponds to the first of these phases.

Last Friday we had the opportunity to participate in Fitur 2022 with SEGITTUR to talk about Tourism and the Circular Economy. Specifically, we are part of the Smart Talk on: « Applications of the circular economy in tourism ».

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