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We started May with a very good taste in our mouths, since in April we achieved a milestone of which we are very proud: nothing more and nothing less than our 320th circularity diagnosis .

Today we explain better what we mean by “diagnosis” and why it is important that more and more companies and organizations join in to carry out an in-depth analysis to obtain a roadmap for their transition towards the circular economy.

Our History and Commitment

If when we started in 2015 they told us that the Circular Economy was going to become so fashionable, we would not have believed it. And we were one of the first circular economy consultancies in Spain that got to work to transfer knowledge to different sectors in terms of sustainability and circularity, adapting to the legal requirements that were asked of our clients at that time, and helping them to facilitate your transition in the most responsible and efficient way.

Who have we worked with since then? We have carried out our circularity diagnoses with different scopes:

  • Products and services
  • Public and private companies, collaborating with organizations of all sizes
  • Administrations and tourist destinations, contributing to sustainable development at the local and regional level.

We have worked with start-ups, SMEs (micro, small and medium-sized) and large companies. We have addressed challenges in different sectors such as agriculture, industry, ICT, construction, tourism and services, in addition to working with very well-known and prominent projects and companies: Correos España , Pimec or Navarra Zirkular . The truth is that we cannot complain, since each project and work has made us grow both professionally and personally, in addition to seeing how it was of great help to our clients to carry out these diagnoses and begin to put them into practice within their organizations. .

The value of Circularity Diagnosis

320 diagnoses, yes. But what is a circular economy diagnosis? This is the first step to implement the principles of circular economy and sustainability in all areas of the company, such as:

  • Strategy and Business Model : to evaluate how sustainability and the circular economy are integrated into the company’s vision, strategy and business model
  • Innovation : managing to identify opportunities to develop more sustainable products and services aimed at the circular economy
  • Marketing and Communication : today, it is essential to effectively communicate sustainability and circular economy actions to clients and other interested parties, both internal and external.
  • Infrastructure and People : to adapt the organization and train employees

Participating in each diagnosis with our clients and carrying out this process has provided us with unparalleled experience, but also deep knowledge of the needs of companies in their search to develop a strategy and concrete actions to remain competitive in the transition towards a circular economy.

And we continue to carry out diagnoses. At Sustainn we continue to be committed to sustainability for a better future for everyone and, therefore, we hope to continue contributing to positive change in the business world. We greatly appreciate each client, entity and administration that has trusted our work and experience in the Circular Economy because, thanks to them, we have verified that companies have interest and desire to advance in this transition that affects us all. .

Thank you very much for reading us!!

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