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When an organization wants to join climate neutrality, what we must mark is a path with a clear and concrete itinerary. That is, planning that includes actions and measures focused on measuring, reducing and gradually compensating for greenhouse gas emissions.

The steps that mark the path are:

  • Diagnosis: knowing the needs.
  • Measurement: scope, analysis and measurement.
  • Roadmap: strategy and roadmap.
  • Implementation: implementation of measures.
  • Communication: key communication axes and messages.

In this article we explain it to you in a little more detail.

Next March 18 at 10 a.m. CET, in the free webinar How to decarbonize your organization?, we will tell you in 30 minutes:

  • What is decarbonization?
  • Trends in Europe and Spain
  • Carbon footprint of product vs organization
  • The steps your organization can take to decarbonize

And in the last 15 minutes we answer your questions and comments.

Dare to join and click here to register.

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