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In March, Sustainn began a valuable collaboration process with the Industrial Foundation of Navarra (FIN) to bring the concepts and principles of the circular economy and the legislative trends in sustainability derived from the public policies of the European Commission closer to the industrial sector of Navarra. This collaboration resulted in two training workshops that have allowed participating companies to acquire essential tools and knowledge to advance in their sustainability.

Understanding the Carbon Footprint

The first workshop, held on 10 May 2024, focused on understanding and calculating the carbon footprint. In this session, we helped companies understand this important environmental concept by providing practical guidance on how to measure and manage their greenhouse gas emissions.
The carbon footprint is a key indicator in the assessment of a company’s environmental impact and its reduction is fundamental to move towards a more sustainable model. In the workshop, methodologies and tools were shared that allow companies to calculate their carbon footprint accurately and effectively.
In addition, it was very interesting to work on helping the industrial sector to understand global decarbonisation trends and strategies and their relevance for organisations, to understand the difference between organisational and product footprints, to know which areas are covered by the different scopes and to know the main aspects to consider when calculating the carbon footprint of a product.


Industrial circularity and Navarrese companies, how to tackle it?

The second outstanding event was the Sustainability Roundtable focused on the Circular Economy, held on 20 June 2024. This specific workshop was designed to help companies to deepen their understanding of circular economy concepts and to identify, through a participatory process, the strengths and weaknesses in their current practices.
During this sustainability roundtable, participants worked together to find strategies and solutions to improve corporate circularity in the future. The circular economy is a model that seeks to minimise waste and make a more efficient use of resources, promoting the reuse, recycling and reduction of materials, so the industrial sector is a key sector that should lead this new model.

Collaborating for a better future in the industrial sector of Navarre

The collaboration with the Fundación Industrial Navarra has allowed Sustainn to demonstrate the value of sustainability and circular economy in the industrial field to 25 participating companies. The conclusions of these workshops highlight the importance of continuous training and the exchange of experiences to move towards a more sustainable and competitive industry. They also reinforce the need to work on circularity at the corporate level, an essential element if we want competitive companies in the future.

At Sustainn, we are committed to supporting companies on their path towards sustainability, providing the necessary tools and knowledge to face current and future environmental and social challenges. We will continue to work to promote sustainable practices and contribute to a greener and more equitable future.

These events mark the beginning of our collaboration with Fundación Industrial Navarra and other entities committed to sustainability.
For more details about our initiatives and upcoming activities, we invite you to follow us on our social networks and visit our website.

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